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Friday, April 28

Vincent wins the London marathon!

Assuming the other 27342 runners who finished just ahead of Vince are disqualified for doping offences, and that Vince managed to swap his urine sample for apple juice (extra cloudy), we can officially announce that VC is the winner of the 2006 London marathon.

So well done Vince - we're all very proud of you and congratulations on getting your hat-trick!

Vince's winning time : 5 hrs 12 mins 7 secs

Finally, check out these pictures. They provide frustration for Vince, but for the rest of us it just brings a tear to our eye. This is Walter Cheung. He finished in 4 hrs, 5 mins, 28 secs. A full 1 hr 6 mins and 39 secs AHEAD of Vince.

Shame on you Vince.
Beaten by your Dad.

And this is Winnie Cheung. She finished in 5 hrs, 8 mins, 55 secs. A full 3 mins and 12 secs AHEAD of Vince.

Double shame on you Vince.
Beaten by your tutu wearing little sister.

Check out the official marathon site for more amazing stats and pictures. Vincent's bib number = 2458.


The kind people over at iWorld are going to give me free stuff if I link to them from this site. Which I'm happy to do for a few reasons...

1. I like free stuff, who doesn't!
2. I've used their online shop quite a few times now, and can honestly say every transaction has been smooth, hassle free, excellent value and, above all for me, the goods have always been delivered very promptly (usually next day, even with standard delivery).
3. It makes sense for a po.dcasting site to have links to an iPod accessory store.
4. Their special offers are sweet - you can quite often snag extras with your order (I got a free iPod car charger with my last order).
5. I really, really like free stuff!

So if you want something for your iPod, go visit them using either this link - iPod accessories - or the link handily located in the links section.

P.S. - If you want in on this free stuff action, use this link.

Sunday, April 9

Gone to the dogs....?

So I have a hangover, thanks to drinking far too much at Vincent's birthday bash down at Wimbledon dogs. I've not completely wasted the day though, as I finished off the theme tune. I've added distortion to the guitar, plus bass and piano tracks, and mixed it. Sounds okay to me, but as stated, my head hurts, so it might need doing again!

Listen to it here.

Tuesday, April 4

It's Vince!

Well, after a tough night of recording, the rough mix of the 'It's Vince' theme tune is ready. Download and listen to it here.

Saturday, April 1

So, the time has come.

Time to create a podcast or two, ready for the podcasting assault on the world from po.dcast.co.uk!

Time for a picture - here is baby Toby. He is only 2 weeks old.

Andi looks very proud!!